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Old 12-29-2010, 08:43 PM   #1863
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Well since this is the "first firearm thread" I will post up my very first personal firearm. I grew up around firearms from my father and grandfather, hunted a bit, and shot many different kinds of firearms and calibers. I have not however owned a firearm before myself, they were always my fathers. I wanted my own pistol for recreational target practice and home defense. I read quite a bit about the SA line of handguns and also saw a lot of positive feedback on this line as a first handgun, which played a part in my choice. It's a popular handgun. I also wanted my wife to be able to shoot it and be comfortable. She is from a family who was never involved with firearms, hunting, etc. and I recently got her introduced to it by taking her skeet shooting with my dad and I. And we just found out she is pregnant so now I have an addition to our family to protect.

It was time...time to get my own. And here it is..

Springfield Armory XD9 Compact (along with a xmas present that I received from my parents, the Boker AK-74 knife).

I put about 80 rounds through her today to begin the break-in process, I have a lot to go but it's a start. It was comfortable to shoot and I imagine will get more comfortable as I shoot it more. Stopped at my local outdoorsmen shop and picked up "eyes and ears" as well as a cleaning kit and a gun vault (for in-home safety as well as to calm my wife's nerves).

I am very happy with my purchase thus far. Looking forward to putting more rounds through her as well as my next purchase. (looking for a 12 gauge to skeet shoot with my pops and also maybe hunt, along with getting an AR).