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Old 12-27-2010, 07:15 PM   #1
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Default Have you ever had a smoke cut short...?

Between yesterday and today the Boston area got hit with 18 inches or so of snow. Late this afternoon I headed out to take care of the shoveling, so I grabbed a cigar (7-20-4 dog walker) to make the work more enjoyable. For a while I was shoveling and holding the cigar in my lips, but that was making me salivate profusely, so I grabbed an ashtray and set the stick there to rest. I built up a good routine--shovel a bit, take a puff or two, go back and shovel a bit more. It was cold but enjoyable, and the stick was strong and tasty. UNTIL....

...I went back for another puff and found that the wind had knocked my poor little cigar into a pile of slush and snow. The cigar had gone out, so I clipped the foot and tried desperately to relight it, but it was too wet. It was a tragedy that tarnished the rest of my shoveling!

So what unexpected events have caused your smoking to come to an untimely end?
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