Originally Posted by Smokin Gator
I bought myself a Microtech L-UDT for Christmas based on Greg's comments. Man that is one sweet knife!!! I got it from Blade HQ and was very pleased with the service. I didn't shop the price much but am happy even if I paid a few $$s too much.
You are in good hands with BladeHQ. They are currently taking care of a problem in one of my autos for me. Great vendor, they deal with Microtech so you don't have to. That's a bigger favor then it sounds like. Getting a hold of Microtech by anything other than Email.......just doesn't happen.
Originally Posted by ajacobs
Rick Hinderer XM-18 for me. I don't think a better folder is made.
You sir are correct, there is no better folder made....oh wait yeah there is DUH the XM-24

. I keed I keed. The XM-18/24 are the best folders out there IMHO. I gotta get one someday. I've carried one before though.