Originally Posted by forgop
My 6 and 7 year old girls are each getting an iPod touch from their grandmother that I just set up with their own email/iTunes accounts, home wireless access, an assortment of applications/music, and the handy dandy mobileme account info to play a loud beeping noise when they lose them.
When I was their age, I got to play on an Atari.
As far as cost goes an Atari (I'm guessing you had a 2600?) sold for $100 in 1982. That would be about $229.00 in today's money. Coincidentally an 8 gb iPod Touch costs $229.99.
So not much has really changed in that respect.
As far as the technology goes I would say that the Atari was more of a technological "WOW!" and also more of a "Why the hell would that kid need that?".