Since I know what I like, I only buy when they're at deep
discounts, and I buy twice what I need.
I get very good deals from BOTLs on this board, and other
boards. I also check several daily sites on a daily basis,
get email specials from retailers I've patronized b4, etc.
Once in a while a BOTL will email/pm a deal that he knows
I'll like. Occasionally, even a catalog will have an xlnt deal.
A few months ago I was able to get Oliva MB3 for 48% off
of a regularly discounted retail price. That had to be close
to wholesale cost, and I bought double quantity. It sold out!
It takes some work and patience, but you can get xlnt deals
on some higher end sticks.
No, I don't smoke a box per week, either. That also makes
this hobby more affordable, and high end sticks easier to