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Old 12-23-2010, 01:19 PM   #3
Loves Wolfgang Guitars!!
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Default Re: Best way to buy cigars?

It's really a combination of all of that to get what you are looking for. My checkbook feels that there is always a sale or clearance that I should take advantage of, usually a couple of places a day. Good thing that Checkbook does not control my decision making process most of the time.
It is a matter of timing, opportunity, dumb luck. Being at the right place at the right time. For instance, I got the new Famous Smoke catalog and wouldn't you know it, great deals that I just can't pass up.
Of course as soon as I buy them, wouldn't you know it but another site has them for a buck or two less. If you worry about getting the lowest price all the time, you will drive yourself bonkers. If you find a good deal, take advantage of it and hopefully you will be happy with your decision.

If you have particular sticks you are looking for, you can go to the cigars at your price website and search them out. They usually have some decent deals on single sticks. After a while your will start knowing what is and what isn't a good deal. Sometimes the discount really isn't a discount...I find that from time to time. You will get a feel for what the brands are going for on a regular basis after spending countless hours at each site!!!

Have fun!!!
Never Play Leapfrog with a Unicorn!!
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