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Old 12-22-2010, 12:55 PM   #975
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Default Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by bobarian View Post
45% is on the extreme low end and you risk dried out brittle wrappers. Also at this low an Rh you will lose many of the volatile oils in the cigar. Most here store between 60-70%, although some Asian collectors are said to have long term(15+ yrs) storage as low as 50%.

A working fridge is not the ideal solution for cigar storage. Usually you cant get the temp's above 60degrees without an external controller.

A cheaper alternative is a cooler/ice chest, a search on coolerdor will give you some ideas on how others have set these up. Clean the inside with baking soda on a new sponge and let it air dry for a day or so.

Spanish cedar is available from wood specialty stores like Rockler or Woodcraft.
I was not planning on keeping the fridge running, but using it as storage for the cigars. Either that, or it's getting chucked.

I wonder if I could use the freezer section only for cigars (disable it), and still use the bottom as a fridge.. now there is an idea!!
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