Originally Posted by Blueface

Hard to argue with this point.
I used Visa and to date, still no issues.
I can't see it being the vendor as they would not be selective in the fraud process.
If fraud is the intent, they would have nailed all of us.
Originally Posted by jitzy
Sure you can Waffle used Visa and was compromised. I think its funny someone is trying to look out for guys and he's now turned into the vilian.
Originally Posted by jitzy
If blueface didn't mean it like that than I apologize but the way it reads it does sound like that.
No hard feelings here nor apology necessary but not sure what you are referring to when you say "the way it reads, it does sound like that" based on what you quoted.
I think you have me confused with another Blueface.
Above is my quote, followed by yours in response to mine.