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Old 12-21-2010, 01:43 PM   #234
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Default Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
I sure as heck can't be quoted anywhere here on this thread making him out to be a villain.
While they may in fact be, I just think there is clearly insufficient evidence to conclude the vendor is at fault here and make that assertion.
While EVERYONE at that other site is purported to have been defrauded, EVERYONE on this thread hasn't. In fact, almost all have not.
Personally, I appreciate the heads up. However, the sky isn't falling here. Credit card fraud is a daily, every minute thing.
I have yet to be charged anything other than $15 and just checked again to make sure.

I would recommend anyone concerned activate email notification of any and all activity to their account. Amazing how much better one sleeps when you get notified on your smart phone of any and all charges.

Just checked again for the third or fourth time since this began, and nothing out of the ordinary on Discover.

I will say this for the 2 cards I use regularly. Discover has been compromised a couple years ago, but their fraud department contacted me asking if I had ordered a laptop. After telling them I hadn't, the card was deactivated and a new one was in the mail to me in a couple days.

The other I use for my "import" purposes contacts me just about every time I order with suspicious activity detected. I get a little ticked off having to tell them on a monthly basis that yes, that's my order. Let it go.
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