Originally Posted by jitzy
Sure you can Waffle used Visa and was compromised. I think its funny someone is trying to look out for guys and he's now turned into the vilian.
I sure as heck can't be quoted anywhere here on this thread making him out to be a villain.
While they may in fact be, I just think there is clearly insufficient evidence to conclude the vendor is at fault here and make that assertion.
While EVERYONE at that other site is purported to have been defrauded, EVERYONE on this thread hasn't. In fact, almost all have not.
Personally, I appreciate the heads up. However, the sky isn't falling here. Credit card fraud is a daily, every minute thing.
I have yet to be charged anything other than $15 and just checked again to make sure.
I would recommend anyone concerned activate email notification of any and all activity to their account. Amazing how much better one sleeps when you get notified on your smart phone of any and all charges.