Originally Posted by wayner123
Take a puff of your cigar. Then make sure you have enough air by closing your mouth and breathing in through your nose. Then simply open your mouth and breath out your nose. The smoke will find it's way out of your mouth and you will be getting the "flavor" through your nose. If there is any smoke left over in your mouth, you can help it out with your tongue or simply exhale it out to clear your mouth for the next puff. It's sort of a way to cheat snorking. I find that doing this helps to improve flavor while not burning your sinuses. Which may result in an even potent result.
This is exactly what I do, but I've never found a good way to put it into words. I like the added taste, but really can't stand a ton of peppery smoke coming through my nose. I've found that you can get it in your sinuses just fine without a full nose exhale.