Thread: Quitting Cigs.
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Old 12-20-2010, 02:42 PM   #121
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Default Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
It's not quitting that is hard, it's never coming back to it. You can put them down for a good bit and say you quit. But how long is it going to last? A few months, year...maybe a few years.

If you have that attitude why bother quitting.

Before this I quit many times before. Once it was for a year and a half.
It sucked when I went back to it.
But with this time it was different, I didn't feel the need to have one when I put them down. That feeling of when was I going to have my next one was not as strong. And I was able to put it behind me.
There are times when I do want one and I don't think that feeling will ever go away but it doesn't stay around like it used to.

Stick with it.
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