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Old 12-17-2010, 06:01 PM   #12
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Default Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
Kinda misleading in general, no real way to quickly word it. Apparently the hygro is an upgrade in quality but less costing

But that is just what they tell me.....I'm not sure how much their word is worth.
Without knowing which one the original defective one was that you bought, they are probably right about the humi-care being a better product at a lower price point. Think of "Humi-Care" like "Kirkland". Humi-Care is CI's brand, yet they don't manufacture anything, just like Kirkland and Costco. They go to whomever can meet their standards and give them the best price on something and is willing to slap the Humi-Care (Kirkland) logo on it and just take a check rather than putting their name on it. This allows them to sell the identical product at a lower cost to the consumer.

Can we go back to talking about raping and pillaging the CI offices though?

I wanna pillage their Padron and Liga Privada section of the warehouse...
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