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Old 12-17-2010, 01:35 PM   #1
En búsqueda.....
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Default School me...I'm taking notes

I have a coffee maker at home, nothing extravagant like I read most of you all have, just a Mr. Coffee one that I bought at Costco for when my parents come to visit. They drink an exagerated amount of coffee everyday(they're Dominican so it's in them). They are used to making their coffee in the metal old school coffee makers but I tried finding one out here in Cali for them but no luck. That and they only drink Cafe Bustelo Decaf. They used to drink the regular one before.

Well on their last trip out here, when my daughter was born in Sept, I bought them a can of their coffee but they ran out 2 days shy of them leaving. My Dad said any coffe as long as it was decaf would do but that if Bustelo wasn't available he could do the Dunkin Donuts Decaf so that's what I got him.

Now that they are gone I have this coffee maker at home and this bag of DD Decaf sitting in my house and neither my wife nor I are coffee drinkers. For the Marine Corps Ball they gave us 2 silver travel coffee mugs. Finally I decided to put these things to use and for the last 2 days I've been non-stop with the coffee.

I've drank coffee in the past but that was when it was cold and hell and nothing else to drink to warm up in the field. Now I have this DD Decaf and it's ok but I know there has to be better stuff out there. I'm looking for some input here.

I'm not looking at changing the setup I currently have unless I really get into it heavily. My wife says she'll give it a try but I don't see her getting that into it to be honest.

What would you recommend me trying that would be simple yet tastes great? Again please keep in mind I'm new to this and have no idea about any of it.

Thanks everyone.
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