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Old 12-17-2010, 08:46 AM   #13
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Default Re: Favorite Morning Smoke?

Originally Posted by Thammy View Post
There is always Dunhills EMP, or the many replacement tins for it. Of course, not really cheap. I like some light aromatics in the morning as well, which are cheaper. I can relate to you. I am a poor, university student and almost wedded. I see where your coming from.
I don't know what you mean by cheap, but let's say, for arguments purposes that you got a 50g tin of Dunghill EMP for $15 (which would be really expensive), and you had a **HUGE** bowl fitting 5grams of tobacco in it, then you'd get 10 pipes out of that tin - being $1.50 for an hour and a half smoke. If you are normal, and get about 3 grams in your pipe, you are down to less than $0.90 a pipe.

What I am saying is, relatively speaking, the "expensive" pipe tobaccos are really quite a value. Some of the cheaper ones I have seen mentioned here are just that, some palates can handle them, some tongues cannot. A tin of Carter Hall, while cheap in comparison would be expensive for me. I smoke one bowl, fry my tongue, and the rest of the tin gets thrown away. Not a good investment.

If you want a wonderful morning blend, try Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop. In fact, check out their website, it is a neat place scroll to the bottom of the page, and there are links there to the bulk blends listed by category; English, Virginia, Aromatic, Burley, etc...

Hope this helps.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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