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Old 12-16-2010, 02:34 PM   #4379
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Default Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by mastershogun View Post
Nice. how does it compare to 9000?
I dropped the ball on this release so was only able to pick up a six-pack and a couple singles. Haven't opened a bottle yet
They're both complete different. The 10K seems to have an abundance of flavors and things going on (malty, hoppy etc.) when compared to the 9K. Almost too much and seems to need some time to settle down. If I had to pick a beer that's a meal this beer would be it.

I got two 6 packs sitting in the cellar and we'll see how this stuff turns out for the long haul.
"Sent to spy on a Cuban talent show first stop- Havana au go-go."
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