Thread: beer hauls
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Old 12-16-2010, 10:03 AM   #761
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Default Re: beer hauls

Originally Posted by b0rderman View Post
MikeyC...I felt I got suckered into buying it by the fancy presentation, the rolleyes was at myself.

Tried it last night...this stuff is the real deal...will be getting a few more bottles for sure. Excellent beer! However, it does worry me that the more we buy the ~$20 bottles, the more $20 bottles there will be.
Then I'm guilty as charged. I've bought 9 bottles of the Infinium so far and have 2 more on hold. Plan on bringing a couple home for Christmas and a few more for a new year's eve party the week after.

I really like it. It smells like beer but has a lighter fruity taste to it like you normally would get during the warmer months. I couldn't drink it all the time but its good for a change of pace or if your having drinks with people who normally don't like the bitter taste of beer.
Why is it a dog rocket and not a cat crater?
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