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Old 12-15-2010, 07:17 PM   #14
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Default Re: School me on "Vintage" and Dated Cigars

Originally Posted by guitar4001 View Post
i think that i get the jist of your question:

1959 Exodus from Torano - not made in 1959, but that was the year that the partiarch left Cuba.

1926 Padron - not made in 1926, but that was an important date to the Padron family, maybe the year that the elder Padron was born?

1964 Padron - I dunno, maybe the year that the family moved from Cuba?

1968 Macanudo - supposedly original tobacco from 1968, but rolled into a cigar much later.

If anyone can clarify this stuff, please do so.
Actually on the macanudo... 1968 is the year the first macanudo was made.

That cigar was first released in 2009... HOWEVER

In regards to the macanudo vintages... Those are made with tobacco grown the year that is listed on the band... For instance... The Mac vintage 2000 is comprised of 10 year old tobaccos... The 1997... 13 year old tobacco... The 1993... 17 year old tobacco etc etc etc.
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