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Old 12-15-2010, 07:02 AM   #52
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Default Re: Probably a STUPID question but I'll ask anyway...

Originally Posted by Ol' Times Cigars View Post
What was the old job and whats the new job? Are you working harder, longer hours or later? Maybe your just running out of energy during the week.
I'd rather not reveal that in full but I can tell you that both occupations, old and new, are jobs that I can really enjoy as I most often do.

The previous job was very long hours... with a more than overbearing boss.

The current job is a little more pressure but also less stressful due to a much cooler boss and more room to make my own decisions... in fact I pretty much get to do what I want when I want.

The thing is that I'm very good at what I do now... and I was very good at what I did before.
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