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Old 12-14-2010, 12:14 PM   #13
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Default Re: Headed out of town for a while

Originally Posted by SvilleKid View Post
Orange Beach. Adjacent to Gulf Shores, Alabama., or as we call it here, "The Redneck Riviera"

Eric- I'll PM you when I get down there, and we will get together.

Chingas - NOT a trick to keep from getting bombed. Just a warning that I'll be gone. BUT.....Any bombs that might come to the house during that time would spend quite a bit of "lonely" time sitting in the weather on the front porch! And I had paragraphs. 3 of them!
Too bad you're in the south because if you were in my neck of the woods, you would certainly kill off any hitch hikers along the way.

I'd say we could put together a bombing run around the first week of February.
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