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Old 12-14-2010, 08:13 AM   #135
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Who has a Keurig coffee pot?

Originally Posted by wayner123 View Post
No worries. I just wondered how they would replace it more than once. I have called 5 times to get a new k-cup holder and they keep giving me the run around. I finally got told that I need to destroy the unit I have (even though it was a gift) because the unit had already been traded in. Which makes me think that if someone got their unit replaced 2,3, etc times, they would have spare models laying around.
They made me send back the K-Cup holder part, which is likely why they are giving you a hard time about replacing the part. See below...

Originally Posted by waffle View Post
Probably why you see a bunch of them on ebay being sold as "parts only".
Exactly, most of them are missing the K-Cup holder part so chances are they were replaced. I kept the reservoir from both of ours but just chucked the rest. That little part they make you send back sell on ebay for like $30 bucks. I guess there would be a big market for getting a replacement and buying the K-cup holder so you could re-sell the "replaced" unit.
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