Originally Posted by skullnrose
They are replacing our Platinum brewer yet again this is our third one in less than a year. I wish the product was as good as the customer service.
Ditto, we are on number three. At least they are standing behind the product. If this one breaks again I am going to ask for a different model. I bought the best though and anything will be a step down.
Originally Posted by 688sonarmen
The descale did not work. I have had mine for less than a year but don't have the receipt, will they still replace it?
If you registered it with them to get the free K-Cups you should be good to go. Otherwise you may have to ask really, really, really nice.
Originally Posted by wayner123
How did you get them to replace it twice??
Same way they replaced it the first time, I called up and explained it wasn't working (short-filling, not brewing full cups, pump failing), I jumped through the hoops (descale, clean nozzle, etc) and they sent me a new one. No problem at all, just had to talk to customer service a few times.
EDIT: Sorry Wayner, just noticed you were talking to scott...didn't mean to butt in.