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Old 12-13-2010, 06:09 PM   #41
Gentlemen, you may smoke!
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Default Re: cigars and health

I have always said that I will do what I want, it is my life and anything harmful I do to myself was always with the intention of enjoying life the way I wanted it to be. If you are already looking at smoking as harmful before you are even in the hobby then cigars are probably not for you.

However just so you can relax about it, I believe someone posted some statistics in the last thread on this subject that showed that the increased risks of certain cancers relating to cigar smoking was extremely low, even for the targeted smokers of 1-2 cigars a day. Some of us don't even smoke weekly, I haven't had a cigar in a month (mostly cuz its so f'ing cold out). For us that smoke maybe once a week we can rest assured that the risk is almost nothing.

That said, I would do it anyway just because its very relaxing and there is nothing better than a cigar with a friend.
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