Re: cigars and health
I am fairly health conscious and did quite a bit of research before entering into the hobby. Is cigar smoking a healthy activity without risk? Absolutely not. I have simply made the informed decision that cigars pose an acceptable amount of risk when used in moderation. For me, moderation means between zero and two cigars a week. I probably average about 1.5 cigars per week. The enjoyment and relaxation outweighs the relatively mild statistical risk. I hedge my bets by eating very well, getting proper amounts of sleep, and scheduling moderate physical activity on a regular basis.
Almost no hobby or task is without risk. I enjoy flying airplanes. Sometimes the weather is bad. Do I swear never to fly because there is a possibility of injury or death? Heck no, it brings far too much enjoyment! I get all the information I can (weather breifings, etc) and make a prudent choice based on my idea of an acceptable amount of risk.
My father has smoked 5 cigars daily for as long as I can remember. Two years ago he almost died......from being struck by a speeding car while crossing the street. You never know when your number is up. Don't trash your body, but enjoy the time you have.