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Old 12-12-2010, 08:17 PM   #15
Ol' Times Cigars
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Default Re: cigars and health

My mom had cancer about 2 years ago. It was throat cancer and all of her doctors ruled out smoking as the cause, even though she she had a cigar here and there, smoked cigarettes over 15 years ago, and works in our shop where customers smoke all day long inside. I have had customers tell their cardiologist that they smoke cigars and the doctor said to them oh then you don't really smoke. I have had countless people tell me that their doctors tell them not to even worry about cigar smoking.

The way I look at it is that you are going to get something or your not. Smoking may increase those odds but probably not significantly enough to worry about.

There is a study out there that actually shows there are no really risks when smoking cigars. I forget who did it but basically they found that 1 to 2 a day you have the same health risks as a non-smoker and they only found a very slight increase when you step up to 5 or more a day, but it still wasn't enough to worry about.

Everything in moderation. Go get a cigar and enjoy it!
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