cigars and health
Hello, My name is Shaman Smith (yes actual name) and I have just recently turned 18 and when I raise the appropriate funds me and my friend were going to drive down to this place called Tinderbox to get some cigars. But I have some questions.
Up until now I really haven't done any potentially hazards things to my health (unless you count being fat), never smoked anything, drank, I’ve even managed to evade being sick much of my life so I have never really taken any medications either. And this whole while I have seen read and heard many things about the dangers of such things I have stated above. And believe you me, I am as skeptical of this fear mongering as the next guy with aluminum foil as a hat. Yet despite this I do find even the prospect of developing tongue and throat cancer a bit...unsavory.
So without relying upon some faceless company's research I would rather ask the people of this forum-
Does anyone have, or knows someone who has, any health problems due to smoking (specifically cigars)? And if I plan smoking no more than roughly 2 cigars a week am I in any real danger?