I LOVE Chocolate Bock. I HATE Cranberry Lambic. The Winter pack is so much better because of this change. One thing I don't understand is the White Ale. It used to be the spring seasonal beer and they put it in the winter mix pack? I hear it will also be in the spring mix pack, but why put it in the winter pack too?
Originally Posted by Commander Quan
To my knowledge this is the first time SA has bottled the Chocolate Bock in 12oz bottles. Previously it was bottled in these fancy 22oz bottles.

You are 100% correct. I have a couple of these bottles on my beer shelf.
Originally Posted by Coach Deg
And those were only a special for valentines day about 6yrs ago if I'm not mistaken?
Chocolate Bock was sold every other year. Typically, it was sold in years when Utopias was not. Also, last year there was a small batch made and sold in the Boston Brewery around Valentines Day. You can tell if a bottle was from last year because the label was a flat paper whereas in prior years the label was more of an embossed paper label (like in the picture).