Originally Posted by longknocker
You Were Smart, Bill!  I Can't Seem To Part With Mine. 
IMO there is only 2 knives you NEED. A Hinderer XM-18 and a Strider SMF. Call it the beauty and the beast. However Knife buying is like cigar buying....none of us NEED half of what we have but we all justify it. I still will hunt for that elusive retardedly expensive XM-18. They are fantastic knives and if you can score them for $380-$415 or so it's a steal.
Originally Posted by Eleven
Anyone have recommendations for a decent Punch Knife? My daughter wants to get her Marine husband one for Xmas.
Yes, I bought my brother a Benchmade punch knife, they are fantastic. Paracord wrap the handle and it's a great knife. There aren't too many punch knives out there, you could look at cold steel but there over the top marketing has me not buying their knives. More recently I gifted him a Microtech UTX-85. So far both knives are

Of course these are just my opinions and everyone else might not have the same opinion. Knives are definitely a preference.