Re: 10 Commandments for getting along with your IT Guy
You left out:
#11:Thou shalt not be resistant to change.
We know you knew how to use the old system. But things change, they get better. Improvement is a part of life. Accept it or quit and let someone else take your Windows '98 place or Mac OS9 seat. We're tired of subsidizing your incompetence or unwillingness to stay up to date. Saying things like, "But with my previous system I . . ." or "With my other software, my tools were here and it did this when I clicked here . . .". Saying these things only pisses me off and if you want to learn Adobe CS5, DON'T piss me off!
No matter what one's status is in society, cigars are the great equalizer where the affluent and common share a love for the leaf. - Me.