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Old 12-07-2010, 06:09 PM   #5
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Default Re: The Next Cigar Boom Is Looming....

I think that the next boom may be lurking... but the timing will have to be perfect... otherwise instead of a boom... we will see something more akin to a "swelling".

Opening Cuba will certainly almost have to be a part of it.

I also think that our troops coming home from overseas will play into it a good bit... at the very least... a time of extended peace for a period of 10 years or more... which as much as we would all like to hope is something that I personally think is unlikely.

But I dont think that by itself will be enough to be considered another "boom".

We all know that cigar imports into the US were around 100 million selling units in 1990... and by 1996 they were up to 240 million.

I think that the same way that nobody even really saw the previous boom coming and therefore no one knew the form it would come in... the same may be true for the next... which I think is ultimately inevitable... but may be far down the road.

I think our next cigar boom may be something that... despite our best efforts to predict it, define it or understand it... will come as a shock to nearly all interested parties.

So ultimately... I guess all I can really say is...

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