I am losing interest in this show fast.
Ricks "all we want is a chance" speech made me gag.
Why didn't the writers just have him say "pretty please open the door"?

It was awful and his character is quickly degenerating into the stereotypical crybaby /torn hero.
This show needs a Sarah Connor type character. Someone who is willing to do anything to survive without remorse and isn't viewed negatively for it.
Anyone who wants to use violence to survive is portrayed as a dumb hillbilly (Merle and Daryl) or self destructive (Shayne).
I found it funny that Dale didn't make the same offer to stay behind to save the Black girl, Jacqui.
I also found the most real moment to be when Ricks wife, after living on the side of a mountain for two months,
spends one night in the CDC, and complains that the air conditioning turned off.
Did they bring my wife in to consult on the script?