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Old 12-07-2010, 07:22 AM   #147
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Default Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by s15driftking View Post
i was out of town last night, just watched the finale tonight. it was so-so. I was hoping for more than the basic explanation that was given as well as an exploding building that was supposed to be "one step below a nuke"... a little weak.

I will still be paitiently awaiting season two though! still excited.
If that was one step below a nuke, then they would have been incinerated, being that close to the building. And setting the air on fire? Nope...can't really happen. Plus, if it could, with that crashed out window, it would have extended further beyond the building than it did. OK, enough with the technicalities. LOL

Just wish it wasn't going to be a year until the next season starts. Still gotta watch the first few episodes. Will have to check when the reruns will be on, or maybe see if it's on Apple TV.