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Old 12-06-2010, 12:37 PM   #42
Ol' Times Cigars
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Default Re: Probably a STUPID question but I'll ask anyway...

Never had this happen to me but maybe it is related to the amount you were smoking. I have had times when I've been to the annual IPCPR and just didn't feel like smoking. I get there ready and excited to try all the new stuff but then after one or two you just get smoked out. There is enough cigar smoke in the convention centers to make it feel as if you are smoking one even when youre not. Maybe this is what has happened to you. You smoked so frequently that you just burn yourself out. I limit myself to 1 or 2 a day and sometimes I won't have one, but then there are times when I have an early one and just feel like treating myself to another later on in the day. Just wait it out, maybe have one for whatever holiday you celebrate and one new years eve and see where you go from there.

The stress from the new job should make you want to smoke a cigar and relax. Could be the new bride. My previous girlfriend didn't like the smell of cigars and hated when I smoked, even though thats basically part of my job. My current girlfriend could care less so I find myself smoking more cigars during the day. Not trying to blame it on your wife but whats her attitude toward it? Could be a factor in you decision.
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