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Old 12-05-2010, 11:21 PM   #30
Smoke me if you can...
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Default Re: Probably a STUPID question but I'll ask anyway...

Honestly, Yes I have!

I came back to my cigar stash and found something wonderful. Some of the cigars that I stopped smoking were just fantastic again. I was a very nice surprise. I have a new found love for the sticks that I once became bored with and have a new love for once again.

Okay you can call me nuts!

Originally Posted by ninjavanish View Post
Has anyone ever gone through a phase where they really just didn't have a desire to smoke any of their cigars?

I mean, honestly, I know this is a cigar board...

But seriously... for like the past month or two I feel just plain robbed of my desire to smoke anything. I can't figure out why.

I have drastically reduced the amount of cigars that I smoke since taking my new job in April and leaving Cigar Retail behind... but I still smoked probably 1 or 2 a day up until about the middle of October.

Since then I can tell you exactly how many cigars I have smoked... THREE.

I still have the same passion for cigars as I did... I know that... but something... something that I can't identify is holding me back. At times when I would normally have said "Ok, I'll grab a stick and step outside and grill some hamburgers." Or "I'll just step outside and smoke just for the sake of burning one." I find myself thinking "Nah, I can smoke one later." OR "Meh, I'm just not in the mood."

Maybe it some stress from the job. Maybe it's trying to find time to spend with my new bride... I dunno. But It's seriously starting to PISS ME OFF! And now it's 30 degrees outside... and for someone who tolerates cold weather about as well as a sharp stick in the eye... this weather doesn't make it any easier to break out of whatever this FUNK is!

Any advice?
There are five things that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a fine cigar." Just say NO to SCHIP and Cigar taxes!
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