Re: Probably a STUPID question but I'll ask anyway...
Originally Posted by Ranger_B
As said by M.J I too took up the pipe for this reason. Even with my pipes I go through days or weeks with maybe one or two cigars and a pipe here and there. It is just a phase that all of us fight through. Maybe its our brains giving our palate a chance to relax who knows.
Not sure where Jeremy is with pipes. He smoked them a good bit in college, cause it extended his budget more than cigars. Also smoked them when he was in Tucson. Not sure if he has smoked pipes much in last year or so. Know he has pipes. Not sure about tobacco, or what he prefers in terms of pipe tobaccos.
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.