Originally Posted by hotreds
I am sorry to read this. I met Chas and his wife a coupla times to herf, and I am surprised to say the least. Certainly there are reasons for many things, but lack of communication is not acceptable. I do hope that everything works out in the end, even tho that end is taking way too long. I only hope that there is not a serious physical problem with him or his wife that is disrupting his life!
I'm sure he's a good person, as I've heard from many BOTL's on this site, but there is something obviously wrong with his business running skills.
And that's the problem though, as smll2 said, you can see Chuck working virtually
every day in his workshop so we know he's working. He posts almost weekly updates in the blog part of his site. He's obviously getting the cedar orders out because you can watch the order numbers change. I don't know if he spends any time reading email or reads them and doesn't respond, but I think he might think his time is better spent working than responding to email. I realize that responding to every email might be close to a full time job, but he either needs to find some help with that or spend the time responding himself. Even a little communication would assuage our frustrations, but the only updates we hear are the overall updates, nothing specific about our order so we have no idea what kind of ETA to expect since the estimated "two months" has long been past.