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Old 12-02-2010, 06:19 PM   #30
Just in from the Storm
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Default Re: Chasidor Humidor Store and problem.

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
I posted here a little over a month ago regarding trying to get a hold of him. My situation is a lot different than yours (yours is much worse), but there are many similarities.

I placed an order in August '09 (I believe). It was my third order from him, and was for a single stained drawer. The drawer had a quality control issue when it arrived, and despite my offer keep it, or if he waned to replace it to send it back, Chuck offered to let me keep the incorrect one and said he wold make me a new one free of charge. That's the way he used to run his shop, before it got out of hand. This was October '09.

I told him how thankful I was, and to please take his time on my replacement, since the drawer I got would still work to hold cigars.

He said towards the end of November '09 that it would be a couple weeks. He said everything was put together and it just needed another coat of lacquer.

He said at the end of December '09 that it would be finished and shipped within a week.

He said in very early March '10 that he had a couple things to finish on that weekend and it would ship on Monday or Tuesday.

In early July '10, I contacted him and told him that I had moved. He responded and thanked me for contacting him, saying he wish he could say he hadn't forgotten me, but he had. He said that it just needed glued together but that the front was done.

Since July, starting in September, I've emailed him at two different addresses that I know he uses/has used, and emailed him through his site probably at least 10-15 times. All have gone without responses.

Like I said, at least I got something for my money and I would hate to be in your position. Chuck was such a stand up guy in the past that this is extremely surprising. If this is how he is going to run his business now that he's full time, I have a feeling he won't have the "problem" of being so busy after a while.

Wow...your story pretty much sticks a fork in him from my standpoint. Talk about not following through. I was going to hold off on posting my experience on a couple other forums. I think I need to do it to stop the damage he might do to others sending him money. What's really weird is he has this web cam where I was able to watch him work today. He goes through that effort and then just blows off all his email.

You know...the thing is if you pay him through POpa you only have 45 days to complain...he easily takes that long so folk who pay that way are s*** out of luck.

I emailed him today and told him this thread was up....and I wasn't finished.

I lost on this deal...hopefully I can help others from experiencing my fate.

Thanks for your post.

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