This season has been an excercise in going with the script for me. There were a few points where I would have written it differently, but Kurt Sutter I am not... and Thank, God!!

I feel like having seen the finale, I can go back through the season with new eyes. Some of the things that left me scratching my head, might now make perfect sense. I can't wait to have an SOA marathon with my DVR.
Ok, one last time, for old time's sake... F*#@ Stahl!! I've hated her since day 1 and to see her finally dealt with makes me all warm and fuzzy. I'm glad Opie got to the be the one to pull the trigger. I feel like there was closure in that for him and it clears the way for an Opie-Layla story. Maybe, she'll make better friends.
Season 3 felt like a chess game to me. Opening moves pretty standard and unexciting. Middle game of jockeying for position and setting traps. And then.... Snap! Boom! Crash!!... wtf was that?!! Checkmate?! YES!!! I know a lot of people hated the whole baby-chasing storyline, but it introduced us to a lot of new faces, dug up some old history, and prepared the way for next season. There's a whole new array of characters to play with.
YMMV, but I think this season was absolutely brilliant. It takes a great writer to set up a picture that big and make all the pieces fit together right. Where last season's finale left me pissed off and anxious to know what happened next, this season's left me satisfied and looking forward to the next chapter. I can't wait to see what Sutter has in store up ahead. I heart Charlie Hunnam as an actor (not just because he's hot) and I wanna be Gemma when I grow up.
How many days until September?
Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe
Remember... Opie never got arrested for the original gun charge. He had left before the Police arrived... he was following Zobel.
And it may be that Chibs was not there either... wasn't he still in the hospital? 
I'm pretty certain Chibs wasn't there.