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Old 11-27-2010, 09:28 AM   #54
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: What would you do....

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
You got drunk and accidentally picked up a gurkha?

What possessed you to try smoking one again (or for the 2nd time)
I'd like to know also!!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
The 2nd Annual "Punishment Puff Pass" at the Shack Herf, Bill.
How bad were you to have to suffer that type of punishment?

Let me set the record straight, I am in no way a Gurhka fan! Tried it, didn't like it. My BIL thinks they are all that and then some as his humi is filled with them. All shapes and sizes! The only one I smoked that I thought I would maybe smoke again is the Ghengis Kahn. That thought went away fast!

I started this thread in fun to see what the other BOTL thought about this cigar and I have to thank you all as the responses ranged from serious to hilarious. The best being Tom's photos of Punishment! The worst I saw was on another forum where the BOTL flamed me for asking what my fellow BOTL thought. I got a "we can't tell you what you like you're a noob" speech which really pissed me off!

I personally would not and could not afford this cigar. I have so many other cigars that I love and could buy so many of them with $750.00.

Thanks guys!

Now back to your regularly scheduled cigar smoking
It might taste crummy, but at least it's huge.
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