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Old 12-08-2008, 05:17 AM   #51
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Default Re: The Port Wine Thread

Sorry no pictures, but last night we had an excellent round up of port and Madeira:

1898 Barbeito Verdelho Madeira
1970 Morgan Vintage Port
1977 Ferreira Vintage

It was first for trying any of these vintages. I have had a lot of Ferreira and once did a vertical of Ferreira from '55 to '85, but was missing the '77. The '77 had a funky nose, yet was still grapey and well balanced. A touch hot and we detcted a little TCA, but not enough to say it was an infected bottle.

The Morgan '70 was awesome! Buy all you can if you ever see it. I have never had a Morgan, but know collectors in England that rave about it and its QPR. This is one of the most velvety smooth ports that was like straight up strawberry jam. A little dead on the nose, but still incredible.

The Barbeito was just another excellent Madeira, not a blockbuster, but certainly no slouch. Typical prailene and dried fruits, with a fairly dry finish. Excellent indeed.

Two people and 2.5 bottles drank... Feeling it today.

For cigars, I started off with Montecristo A, had a vintage Montecristo No. 2, and then a vintage Punch Churchill... Still tasting the cigars this morning...
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