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Old 11-24-2010, 09:52 AM   #174
Sexy Dave
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Default Re: Cigars On Cruise

We took a cruise in September on Norwegian Jade. It had a bar on one of the top decks that sold cigars and you could smoke them right there. The boat also had a cigar lounge, but that was empty the whole trip. The best part: we had a balcony room on the fantail! I smoked just about every night with no problems at all. None of the smoke ever came in the room. Just about all the rooms on the fantail near me had a smoker of some sort. The guy right next to me smoked a couple cigars a day. It was a great trip. Also, my b-i-l had a balcony room on the side of the ship and smoked a couple cigars out there. He didn't seem to have any problems either. To me, the 'no smoking on the balcony' is just a suggestion.
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