Even the mod-ed outECB got to see a little action today. This old gal was a wedding present from a friend 18 years ago!
Almost ready to come off the grate
Pulled and tasted
Over all, I liked it. I think I need to adjust my rub a bit if I do Brent's Kkick it up a notch method again. I liked the bark and the flavor, but I need to cut back on some of the redundant flavorings a touch. I'm also not really sure that cooking in the daylight is for me; somehow it just doesn't feel right to actually go to bed after cooking insead of staying up 20 some hours straight!
Seriously, thanks for the tutoring Brent. I still have a couple of other mods to my method in mind to try out as well as a couple of hardware upgrades that I'm mulling over!
Smoke 'em up!