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Old 11-20-2010, 07:51 PM   #1380
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Even the mod-ed outECB got to see a little action today. This old gal was a wedding present from a friend 18 years ago!

Almost ready to come off the grate

Pulled and tasted

Over all, I liked it. I think I need to adjust my rub a bit if I do Brent's Kkick it up a notch method again. I liked the bark and the flavor, but I need to cut back on some of the redundant flavorings a touch. I'm also not really sure that cooking in the daylight is for me; somehow it just doesn't feel right to actually go to bed after cooking insead of staying up 20 some hours straight!

Seriously, thanks for the tutoring Brent. I still have a couple of other mods to my method in mind to try out as well as a couple of hardware upgrades that I'm mulling over!

Smoke 'em up!
...So don't sit upon the shoreline and say you're satisfied,
Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance that tide
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