Well, I think this has been the first butt that I have cooked during daylight hours in probably 6 years or more.
With Thanksgiving coming up next week and the family gathering here, my wife declared today a cleanup the house day. After enjoying a 3 day Herf last weekend, I really couldn't complain. Besides, I have several bbq cooks coming up in the next 3 to 4 weeks so I needed to clean-up/re-season my trailer cooker anyway. So...
While serving as Brent's Pit B1tch last weekend (

) I kept my eyes and ears open for any tricks I could pick up from the Guru to make my butt better (somehow that doesn't really sound right...

). I picked up a small bone-in and tried things a little different this time. I also fired it up on my old NBBD that has been a hanger queen for several years. Man, after using my Lang, I had a heck of a time holding a steady temp today; the probe thermometer spun like Snkbyt's Herf countdown clock
On she goes
As a fellow local once said "Bring all my mules out here and kick'em one time."
The stable