Originally Posted by Sancho Fuente
And thanks for the suggestions on blends and the advice BigFrank. Once Mister Moo figures out what I'm doing wrong I might have a good smoke. 
Easiest method I know is the 3 stage load. Gravity fill the pipe. Then push it down 1/2 way. Refill to top. Push down to 3/4. Fill again. Char light then tamp. That is my fail proof method for loading. Might also be the tobacco you are smoking. Moisture level, heavy casing or toppings can affect how well a tobacco smokes. When loading up the pipe take a few test puffs on the pipe. If there isnt enough drag you will have trouble keeping the pipe going. Load light at first test, you can always add more tobacco, and work from there. All things considered I would believe it may be your tobacco more than anything else.