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Old 11-19-2010, 06:13 PM   #1
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Cheap bastid review: Quorum Shade robusto

This is a new(er) cigar from JC Newman. Can't find much info about it, but I doubt the manufacturer would put out a detailed press release about a mixed filler cigar that retails for under 2 bucks.

I used to smoke the regular Quorums once in a while when I was a noob, and when I saw this new wrapper version, I figured what the hell, I'll try one. I'm a sucker for cheap Connecticut wrap cigars.

Quorum is touted as "the world's most popular bundle cigar" blah blah...I'm sure most bundle cigar makers say the same thing. ANYWAY...on to the review.

I was shocked at how good this cigar was. Honestly. I figured the first inch or so would be bland but tolerable, then the cigar would start to burn hot and collapse. Not the case. Decent burn, not perfect but good enough. Nice flavor, nice aroma, and even a few changes in the flavor along the way. Typical flavors and aromas for a mild CT wrap cigar, no surprises, but enough depth to keep me interested.

I just looked up online prices. $21 a bundle? Hell yeah. I might snag a brick of these cheapos.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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