Alright, as some may have seen, I got a pipe
I have some questions about smoking technique
When I fill it, I just lightly fill the bowl, then push the tobacco all the way down as far as it will go while still being mildly springy, then another loose fill and push down until mildly springy. It usually fills 3/4 of the bowl, and the draw is exactly how I like it, like drinking a thick milkshake when tested pre light if that makes sense. Am I doing it right?
When I light it, I do the false light thing by lighting it, tamping it down, and lighting again. I find that after I light it fully, I have to tamp it every puff to get a decent amount of smoke (remember, my frame of reference is cigars) is there something wrong or do pipes not produce mouthfulls of smoke? I also haven't had problems with the pipe going out, but that's because I've been tamping it every puff
How often should I puff? I wait 15-30 seconds a puff
Do I remove the ashes and stuff with the pipe tool when I'm done? I'm careful not to hit the edges with the scoop on the czech tool, but I am mainly after ashes and un burned tobacco
How much tobacco do you guys think I'll need for 2 weeks?

I'm a pretty heavy smoker I guess, I've smoked 5 bowls all day, but I didn't touch a single cigar, so it was a little more heavy than I'd normally smoke. I have an Missouri Meerschaum uhh... Diplomat I think, the store just had them in a bin, and they were all the same, but i'd guess its a pretty average sized bowl
Thanks again, this thread has been so helpful its incredible