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Old 11-19-2010, 11:08 AM   #298
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Saw the "Experience Hendrix" show last night in Detroit. Holy crap was that a fantastic show. 3 hours of awesome musicians jamming Hendrix tunes. Off the top of my head here were some of the musicians.

Steve Vai
Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Jonny Lang
Eric Johnson
Susan Tedeschi
Billy Cox
Ernie Isley
Chris Layton
Living Colour (entire band)
Cesar Rosas and David Hidalgo from Los Lobos
Robert Randolph
Brad Whitford (Aerosmith)

There's a few others I'm forgetting. Doesn't matter. See this show if you can.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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