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Old 11-19-2010, 08:50 AM   #12
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Default Re: When did Pepin take over La Aroma de Cuba?

Originally Posted by neoflex View Post
Originally Pepins only stick for LADC was the EE which I want to say has been out at least 4 years now. I am not sure if he has total control over the brand and it no longer belongs to Ashton but the EE seemed to be an instant hit so I would guess that they had him make more blends to breathe some new life into the brand. I would be curious to hear from those in the know if Pepin has more in LADC than just blending for them.
The LAdC EE came out in 2008 and yes, it was always a Pepin blended & rolled cigar. It was in 2009 that Ashton had Pepin take over production of the the "regular" LAdC from Altadis in Honduras, which included his reblending of the cigar with more Nicaraguan tobacco.

I can't honestly say if Pepin now has a partial stake in the ownership of the LAdC name or not, I really don't know - I will say that I haven't heard anything to that effect though.
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