So I've been looking into pipe smoking for the past week since my cigar costs are going through the roof and I stumbled onto the pipe section here

I am such a newb it hurts, because I have no idea what anyone is talking about on most posts.
I started reading the beginning of this thread and found a few helpful pointers
I found a decent corncob pipe based on a post somewhere in the first few pages
What else do I need for it? Filters, new stems, etc... like the suggested items section says? Do I still need all the tools and pipe cleaners since its a corn cob pipe?
I also read that I should start with pipe tobacco that is commonly available in drug stores and grocery stores, but I looked and the stores around here don't have any, I asked too, and i'd have to go into Austin (an hour drive) so what's available on the internet that might be good for a newb like me who is used to cigars?
Finally, is there a website that has how to's for filling the pipe, etc...? Because I don't know a single person who smokes a pipe in the real world and I have a feeling finding out exactly how to do everything through this post would be time consuming, and I know there are probably things I wouldn't even know to ask since I've never even held a pipe before
Basically, I have no idea even where to start except that site for corn cob pipes, and sites that sell pipe tobacco listed here in the pipe section of CA