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Old 11-16-2010, 12:20 PM   #32
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: where do cigars fall on your priority list?

Originally Posted by markem View Post
cigars are not on my priority list. Cigars are "nice to haves" not "need to haves" so get no priority with me.
I would say this is a good way to describe them. I love my cigars and love to get a hold of anything new but at the end of the day, if they're not in the budget they're not in the budget. I won't jeopardize not making the mortgage or car payments etc to get the latest or greatest release. I could probably stop buying now and be pretty set for a long time to be honest. I always say too that if I ever get into a bind where I need to some quick cash the first things to go will be the cigars and than the bike. I wouldn't be happy about it but at the end of the day a roof over my families head is far more important than a stock pile of cigars.
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